

AMERICA'S ANGEL.org is designed to be one of the most sophisticated, interactive Websites ever developed. Website features include:

  • Clearinghouse for research, current trends, news
  • Publication of relevant articles by pediatricians, educators, sociologists, ethnopediatricians, developmental psychologists, etc.
  • Information for parents, including developmental expectations for children ages newborn through 18 years of age
  • Links to community agencies available by Zip Code
  • Links to hundreds of community, state and national agencies focused on promoting healthy family relationships
  • Links to all corporate sponsors of AMERICA'S ANGEL, Inc.
  • Spanish text available for all pages
  • Templates for political action through an email letter campaign to individual state and federal representatives
  • Capability of secure online donations
  • Four chat rooms specifically designed to provide information and counseling for the following individuals:

    1. Children who are frightened and/or abused

    2. Individuals living in violent environments/with or without children

    3. Individuals with issues of rage, seeking assistance and redirection

    4. Adolescents and teens seeking information about dating, family relationships, substance abuse, or emotional issues.

Licensed therapists, trained in the dynamics of child abuse and domestic violence, will be available 24 hours a day/7 days a week, to monitor each chat room.